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Hybrid Windows Installer: rev 2024.06.16.1

* additional aac encoders are available but can't be added due to their license restrictions -> see here
note that Hybrid doesn't work on Windows XP anymore and after 2019.12.23 all versions are 64bit only and 2020.12.13.1 was the last version which supported Windows 7

Hybrid Windows Addons: are available through my GoogleDrive.
Seems like there is a non-documented, at lease I could not find anything about it, download limit on Google Drive, which when hit (no clue when) will halt the download for 24hrs. (can't really do anything about it)
Hybrid - Linux downloads rev 2024.05.11.1

  • Hybrid Linux64bit: Qt 5.15.3 (~14MB)*,**
  • Hybrid Linux64bit (with base tools and most dependencies): Qt 5.15.3 (tools) (~107MB)***

* Hybrid is only a GUI for other tools which are not provided by this download
** dynamically linked, requires a matching Qt runtime, also on Unity Desktop-environment 'sni-qt' is also needed otherwise minimize to tray won't work
*** only tested on Ubuntu 18.04+ but should also work an all newer Ubuntu versions. Note that: DivX265 and NeroAacEnc require ib32stdc++6.

Hybrid packages by others

Alternative Downloads

  •, also offers an archive of old versions (usually just a few hours behind the current release)
  • Sooftware

There might be other mirrors out there, but only the listed mirrors asked about whether it is okay, before opening a mirror or simply offering the tool with a direct link to my downloads.

Hybrid uses quite a bunch of other tools in the background.
Aside from the links on the 'License and Dependencies' page, I also wrote some stuff in the forum that might be worth checking out.

About Hybrids source code:
Atm. there's no specific plan when and if I release the source code of Hybrid. (If/When I stop developing Hybrid I will probably release the code under LGPL.)